There are many opportunities to participate on Nets in our area.  Some are topic and training oriented but all promote Amateur Radio fellowship.  Any time you participate in any of the nets, it invariably strengthens those nets and the bonds between operators and organizations.  As you can see from this schedule, there is almost always SOMETHING to do in Amateur Radio!

Daily Nets

Time Frequency Net
7:00PM 3.915 LSB SC Single Sideband Net
7:00PM 3.907 LSB Coastal Carolina Emergency Net
8:00PM 145.490, - offset, PL 71.9Hz Amateur Radio Club of Augusta Nightly Two Meter Net

Sunday Nets

Time Frequency Net
10:30AM D-Star - REF014A DSTAR Technical Net
4:00PM 145.490, - offset, PL 71.9Hz Amateur Radio Club of Augusta ARES Net
5:00PM 145.23, - offset, No tone Burke County Amateur Radio Club Two Meter Net
7:00PM KQ4KK Net Control
443.4125, + offset
D-Star HF Net
8:00PM SCHEART Repeaters SC ARES Net
8:00PM D-Star - REF001C
145.16, - offset
International D-Star Net
This net typically lasts over 2 hours - many countries participate.
It is a lot of fun and different from many other nets.
If you have a D-Star ready radio, you should check this one out!
9:00PM D-Star - REF002A
443.4125, + offset

Monday Nets

Time Frequency Net
6:00PM 3.990 or 3.993.5 SC ARES Net (1st and 3rd Mondays of the month)
7:30PM 146.985, - offset, PL 71.9Hz  Amateur Radio Club of Columbia CountyTwo Meter Net

Tuesday Nets

Time Frequency Net
9:00PM SCHEART Repeaters Statewide Skywarn Net
9:00PM 444.9, +5 Offset 71.9Hz Columbia County (North Belair Road)
Emergency Services Net

Wednesday Nets

Time Frequency Net
9:00PM 145.490, - offset, PL 71.9Hz Amateur Radio Club of Augusta Newcomers Net

Thursday Nets

Time Frequency Net
8:30AM D-Star - REF030B GA - SC Coastal DSTAR Health Care Net
9:00AM SCHEART Repeaters SCHEART Healthcare Net
7:30PM 146.985, - offset, PL 71.9Hz Columbia County ARES Net
7:45PM 444.90, + offset, 71.9Hz PSK 125 Net
8:00PM SCHEART Repeaters SC State Guard Net
9:00PM 147.165, + offset, PL 107.2 Greenwood Amateur Radio Society Two Meter Net


Time Frequency Net
9:00PM 28.375 or 28.425 Amateur Radio Club of Augusta Single Sideband Net


Time Frequency Net
9:00PM 444.95, + offset, PL 71.9 Amateur Radio Club of Augusta Weekly 70 Centimeter Net