Every Saturday night, the Amateur Radio Club of Augusta Will host a weekly UHF net on the club UHF repeater located in Trenton, SC.  The repeater frequency is 444.95 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and a PL tone of 71.9 Hz.

This weekly net is a function of The Amateur Radio Club of Augusta and is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League. This weekly net meets to pass traffic and information, list amateur radio equipment for sale or trade, pass on helpful tips, and as a public service, to demonstrate Emergency Preparedness and to promote amateur radio fellowship.

Membership in The Amateur Radio Club of Augusta is not required.

All monitoring stations, regardless of location or affiliation are welcome to check in and participate on the net!

There are a LOT of nets in our area, I want this net to become a gateway for people to become informed about the different opportunities they have available to them to use their Amateur Radio skills and equipment for public or civic service, local events, educational opportunities and even charitable organizations and events, and most of all to create and cement Amateur Radio friendships, fellowships and cooperation.

This website will undergo a lot of changes in the coming weeks as I figure out how to help make it fit in with these goals.  If you have an upcoming event that could use a few good Amateur Radio operators drop in and tell us about it!  If you have spare time on your hands - don't worry, there is always a place that you are needed.

Please send in any links or info that pertain to any work that you are involved in that could have an Amateur Radio component or anything you think may be helpful in helping connect organizations with Amateur Radio volunteers!